A Small Little World for everyone.. each one doing their own work and minding their own.. their worlds limiting to their priorities...there are no rules.. nobody is forced to represent anything other than the human race.. no one is forced to identify themselves with any group.. with any product.. with any idea...individuals have their own identity.. self identity...it is Bliss..
But nowadays the idea is BIG...grouping together...
Things are different here....
alone...small....efficient..free..creative..unique... (vs)
big....scale..inefficiency..rules..uniformity..robotic..identity assasination...competition...jealousy...greed...war...genocides..terrorism...
Is BIG good?
- Good for advertizers who want to sell their idea to a group of people rather than individuals to save their money
- Good for religion which wants to sell its propoganda to as many groups as possible and spread itself
- Good for organizations which want to minimize costs on managing people by imposing stricter rules
- Good for politics which needs everyone to be the same and follow the same
- Good for people who want power and control
Let us look at these:
- What is common good? will everyone have a common idea about what is good? really?
- Is World order an idea to get the world in order? Then what is it? Will it achieve it? is it good for you?
- Do you agree that the sum of outputs that the members in a team are capable of is less than the output produced by a team working together? Did you observe it practically? In a team did you always observe people helping each other wilfully (without thinking of the rewards by doing so)?
- What is your identity apart from being a part of a group or organization or idea or religion? Forget them, do you agree that most of the times you want the dress you wear or the vehicle you drive or the place you are in define your identity?
More operational questions:
- How many times were you glad that you entered a bus or train which had a lot of rush?
- How many times did you go alone to a scenic place and feel alive after a long time?
- How many times were you forced to work with or talk to someone when you didnt want to?
Lots of questions...
I thought about these questions and realized that we need a Small Little World..a person's own...his ideas...his passions..his stupidities..all his positives and negatives defined by his values and principles...without identifying with anything else and without comparing with anyone else... He has to find his Small Little World in all this mess!!
Glad to see you back on blogging..!
Lemme finish reading this post before commenting..:)
Hw r u ?
Okay, But comments
1) Just guessing what made you talk on this (Did any of the SeMT members come in your dream :D)
2)What will you do if you are pulled out of the small world :D (I liked the way you concluded the post)
Yesh.. nice blog ra.. profound :) lots of intro/extrospection from ur hostel room in IIM-C, i guess. Think of parallel universe :) - Ganesh
Thank you..:)
@ Srikanth
I donno what made me write..no its not SeMT dream i bet :)..for the 2nd questions 'I COMPROMISE'
Yeah hostel rooms help :)
"Good for anything in this world other than the individual himself..."
very true. Nice blog Yeshwanth.
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